If you would like to have me speak or provide a workshop, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Public Facing Work
I have been privileged to teach graduate and undergraduate students, deliver research findings at refereed inter-/national conferences, do invited public speaking, and deliver continuing education workshops and trainings. These have been on topics as varied as LGBTQ+-affirmative care and research, HIV-informed care, therapy modalities, psychodiagnosing and the DSM-5-TR, cultural diversity and power/privilege/oppression, HIV and intergenerational stress, place/space/health, critical and qualitative methodologies and Critical Discourse Studies, and Queer Theory.
If you’d like to have me speak or give a workshop to your practice, agency, hospital, college or university, LGBTQIA+ center or student group, graduate program, medical or health-profession school, professional conference, retreat, or other affinity group, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Here are some sample workshops I’d be prepared to facilitate. Equally, I’d welcome the opportunity to develop new content tailored to your organization’s or group’s needs:
- Queer Theory and Queer-informed care
- LGBTQIA+-affirmative and competent care
- LGBTQIA+ identity development, coming out, inviting in, “declaranormativity”
- HIV 2.0: PrEP 101 and HIV prevention
- HIV-informed and trauma-informed care
- HIV trauma, intergenerational stress, “HIV Stress Exchange,” and queer trauma
- Advances in psychodiagnosing and the DSM-5-TR
- Behavior- and exposure-based trauma treatment
- Behavior-based interventions for engagement and intervention with mental health conditions of dysregulation
- Critical Discourse Studies in the health sciences